I love to give feedback to companies (either good or bad) about their products because I hope it helps them make their products better. I had no idea that these companies would actually listen, respond and send me products/coupons in return! I am excited to report to you what has happened to me when I simply told these companies what I thought of specific products.
I have been keeping track of all of the feedback I give and the responses I get back from the manufacturers and here is a short list of what I have found.
- Tyson - responded with lots of $1/1 coupons for various products
- Glade - responded with 2 coupons for FREE products
- Mission Tortillas - responded with 4 coupons for FREE products
- Duncan Hines - responded with 4 coupons for $.50/1
- Ziploc - responded with coupons for 2 FREE products plus a box in the mail
- Kashi - responded with coupons for 2 FREE products plus 5 coupons for $1/1
- Goldfish - responded with coupons for $.50/4 products
- Arnold's Bread - responded with 2 coupons for FREE products
- Boboli - responded with $1/1 coupon
- Smart Ones - responded with 2 coupons for $.50/1
- Heinz - responded with 4 coupons for $.50/1
- Edy's/Dryers Ice Cream - responded with 2 coupons for $.50/1
- Alexia - responded with lots of coupons
- Pompeiian Olive Oil - responded with 6 coupons for $1/1 various products
- Amy's - responded with lots of great coupons
- Aunt Jemima Syrup - responded with 2 $1/1 coupons
- Hostess - responded with various coupons
- Mrs. Freshley's - responded with 4 coupons for FREE products
So all I did was go onto the above company websites and in the "contact us" field, I submitted feedback. In my feedback, I was very specific about which product I was writing about. I did this over a 2-3 week period and chose my very favorite items in my house to rave (or rant) about.
I challenge you to go through your house this weekend and pick your top 5 products. Send consumer feedback for these items and let me know what happens. You may be surprised!
~ Written by Elizabeth
1 comment:
Most people don’t realize that they spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year buying the heavily advertised (HA) brand products in the grocery and department stores. There is nothing in the grocery store that is rocket science. Many of the less advertised (LA) brands or store brands are just as good or better as the HA brands. You are paying for the brainwashing that many HA brand manufacturers put in their advertising campaigns. It is not difficult to make shampoos, conditioners, cleaning products and all those other products that can be found in your local grocery or department store. Why are you paying 4+ dollars for baby shampoo when you can buy the less advertised brand for half the money? Do you like wasting money? If the name brand products are better why would companies be spending billions of dollars in advertising? The answer is that they are not better. They are trying to convince you that the high price they are charging is some how justified by a better product. Even over the counter drugs like aspirin can be bought for half the price of the HA brands. This is a product that has been around for decades. The LA products are under the same FDA regulations as the HA brands. Save a lot of money and don’t buy the over priced HA brands.
When you pay the higher price for the HA brands you are paying for the ridiculous high salaries of the CEO’s, private jets, golden parachutes and for the billions spent on advertising.
Every time you go to the store you can save several dollars. Over time this can amount to a significant amount of money.
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