Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spending Smarter At Starbucks!

Are you a Starbucks addict like my husband? In this economy, who can afford luxuries like Starbucks? I came across a great article and just had to share it with you. The article details ways to fit Starbucks into your streamlined budget. Here are the secrets to spending smarter at Starbucks:

10 Ways to Spend Smarter at Starbucks by Savy Sugar
  1. Get Over the $4 Coffee Myth. Contrary to Starbucks' reputation of serving only $4 coffees, about 50 percent of the beverages are under $3 while at least one third are less than $2.

  2. Refill Your Cup For 50 Cents. Sometimes one cup just doesn't cut it. Any time throughout the day and on any size, you can refill your cup with brewed coffee for just $0.50 cents during the same visit. Not a bad price for an extra pick-me-up.

  3. Bring Your Own Cup. You'll save 10 cents on the price of your beverage whenever you bring in your own reusable cup, mug, or travel tumbler.

  4. Think Beyond Your Usual Latte. If you're in the habit of ordering a Caffe Latte, baristas recommend trying out a Caffe Misto instead. The beverage that's half coffee and half steamed milk would save you 85 cents on average. It provides about the same jolt as your Latte and the savings are obvious.

  5. Share a Coffee Press With a Friend. Catching up with a friend (or three) over coffee can be as cheap as approximately $3. Just order any coffee through a coffee Press, which makes four 8-oz. cups of joe. Splitting it with one other person would cost less than ordering two 16 oz. drip coffees.

  6. Order Meal Pairings Any Time of Day. There are a variety of value pairings priced at $3.95 that you can order throughout the day. Get a breakfast sandwich with a tall drip coffee or coffee cake along with a tall latte, and save as much as $1.20 on your order.

  7. Get a Starbucks Card. If you're a frequent Starbucks customer, there's no reason not to get a Starbucks Card. At no cost to you, a registered card will get you complimentary beverage customization, like free syrups or soy on every beverage you order. That can add up to huge savings on your typical Vanilla Soy Latte. You'll also get free refills on brewed cups of coffee, a $0.50 savings.

  8. Consider a Gold Card. Regular Starbucks-goers might want to consider investing in a $25 Gold Card (must be renewed annually). You'll get a complimentary beverage for signing up and on your birthday, but more importantly you can use it to get 10 percent off every order. Barista's tip: Give the barista your Gold Card first to get the 10 percent discount, and then use your registered Starbucks Card to receive the complimentary beverage customizations.

  9. Take Advantage of the Treat Receip. tThe "Treat Receipt" idea was such a hit last year that Starbucks has brought the deal back this Summer and it will last through September. Save your morning receipt and bring it along when your afternoon hankering hits; you'll receive any Grande (16 oz.) beverage for $2, including the Vivanno Smoothies that usually cost $3.95.

  10. Brew It at Home. Using Starbucks whole bean coffee at home will yield a brew for about $0.30 a cup. You can purchase the beans at Starbucks stores — they'll even grind the beans for you — or pick a bag up at the grocery store. Don't forget to check the bag for a Starbucks coupon before tossing it.

Great information for a coffee addict on a budget (hint hint - my husband!).

~ Written by Elizabeth

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