We love to read to our 2 young boys so when MomEntrepreneur contacted me to do this book review, I was very excited!
What Was Reviewed:
The book is called "Five Minutes Until Bed" and is written by Dorothea DePrisco Wang.
My Review:
The book is cleverly written and the premise is that there are only 5 more minutes until bedtime. The storey counts down from the number 5 to the number 1 by using different animals. The rhymes are cute and my 4 year old laughed each time the animals said they weren't tired for bed and the mommy or daddy animals always responded with how many minutes until they had to go to bed. This is a common occurrence at our house!
The book is extremely colorful and interactive for kids. There are tabs at the bottom of each set of pages for the child to pull out, which reveal gold stars and keep little hands busy as kids count down the last Five Minutes Until Bed.
The book is great for little ones ages 2 and up. It helps re-enforce counting. The only thing I wish was different - I wish the type was one size bigger for easier reading from a distance. My kids kept pulling the book over toward them so they had easier access to the tabs, which made it harder for my squinty eyes to see the words!
Product Review Disclosure: We have received no compensation other than the free product to use for the purposes of the review. Any opinions expressed on our blogsite are our own and are not reviewed or edited by sponsors.
~ Written by Elizabeth
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